Packages changed: akonadi-calendar (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-calendar-tools (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-contact (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-import-wizard (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-mime (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-notes (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-search (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akonadi-server (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) akregator (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) amarok (2.9.75git.20210830T182443~10309f00af -> 2.9.75git.20220102T131246~92aa01de32) analitza (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) apache2 apache2-manual apache2-mod_php7 apache2-prefork apache2-utils ark (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) arpwatch attica-qt5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) baloo5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) baloo5-widgets (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) blinken (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) bluedevil5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) bluez-qt (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) bovo (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) breeze (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) breeze-gtk (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) breeze5-icons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) calendarsupport (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) cervisia (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) curl (7.80.0 -> 7.81.0) discover (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) dolphin (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) dragonplayer (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) drkonqi5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) eog-plugins (3.26.7 -> 3.26.8) eventviews (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ffmpegthumbs (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) fltk frameworkintegration (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) fwupd-efi grantleetheme (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) gupnp (1.4.1 -> 1.4.2) gwenview5 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) incidenceeditor (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) juk (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) k3b (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kaccounts-integration (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kaccounts-providers (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kactivities-stats (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kactivities5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kactivitymanagerd (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kaddressbook (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kalarmcal (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kalgebra (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kamera (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kanagram (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kapptemplate (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) karchive (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kate (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) katomic (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kauth (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kblackbox (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kblocks (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kbookmarks (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kbounce (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kbreakout (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kbruch (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcachegrind (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcalc (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcalendarcore (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcalutils (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcharselect (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcm_sddm (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kcmutils (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcodecs (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcolorchooser (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kcompletion (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kconfig (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kconfigwidgets (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcontacts (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcoreaddons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kcrash (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdav (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdbusaddons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kde-cli-tools5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kde-gtk-config5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kde-print-manager (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdeclarative (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdeconnect-kde (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kded (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdeedu-data (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdelibs4support (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdenetwork-filesharing (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdepim-addons (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdepim-runtime (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdesu (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdevelop5 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdf (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdialog (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdiamond (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kdnssd-framework (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kdoctools (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kemoticons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kernel-source (5.15.12 -> 5.16.0) kfilemetadata5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kgamma5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kgeography (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kget (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kglobalaccel (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kgoldrunner (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kguiaddons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) khangman (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) khelpcenter5 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kholidays (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) khotkeys5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) khtml (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) ki18n (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kiconthemes (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kidentitymanagement (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kidletime (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kig (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kimageformats (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kimap (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kinfocenter5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kinit (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kio (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kio-extras5 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kio_audiocd (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kipi-plugins (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kirigami2 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kiriki (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kitemmodels (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kitemviews (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kiten (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kitinerary (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kjobwidgets (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kjs (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kjumpingcube (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kldap (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kleopatra (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) klines (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmag (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmahjongg (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmail (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmail-account-wizard (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmailtransport (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmbox (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmenuedit5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kmime (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmines (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmousetool (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmouth (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kmplot (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) knavalbattle (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) knetwalk (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) knewstuff (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) knotes (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) knotifications (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) knotifyconfig (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kolf (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kollision (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kolourpaint (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kompare (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) konquest (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) konsole (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kontact (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kontactinterface (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) konversation (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kopete (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) korganizer (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kpackage (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kparts (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kpat (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kpeople5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kpimtextedit (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kpkpass (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kplotting (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kpty (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kqtquickcharts (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kquickcharts (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) krdc (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kreversi (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) krfb (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kross (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kruler (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) krunner (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kscreen5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kscreenlocker (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kservice (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kshisen (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksirk (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksmtp (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kspaceduel (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksquares (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksshaskpass5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) ksudoku (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksystemlog (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ksystemstats5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kteatime (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ktexteditor (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) ktextwidgets (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) ktimer (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ktnef (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) ktouch (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kturtle (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kubrick (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kunitconversion (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kwallet (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kwalletmanager5 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kwayland (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kwayland-integration (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kwayland-server (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kwidgetsaddons (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kwin5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kwindowsystem (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) kwordquiz (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) kwrited5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) kxmlgui (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) layer-shell-qt (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) libKF5ModemManagerQt (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) libKF5NetworkManagerQt (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) libcamera (0.0.0+g3076.d79b4120 -> 0.0.0+g3381.1db1e31e) libgravatar (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkcddb (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkcompactdisc (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkdcraw (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkdecoration2 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) libkdegames (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkdepim (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkeduvocdocument (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkexiv2 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkgapi (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkipi (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkleo (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkmahjongg (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkomparediff2 (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libksane (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libkscreen2 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) libksieve (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) libksysguard5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) libktorrent (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) logrotate (3.18.1 -> 3.19.0) lokalize (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) lskat (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) mailcommon (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) mailimporter (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) mbox-importer (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) messagelib (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) milou5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) mobipocket (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) mtools (4.0.36 -> 4.0.37) mutt (2.0.7 -> 2.1.5) mutter noto-coloremoji-fonts (20200916 -> 20211101) okular (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) orca oxygen5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) parley (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) perl-IO-Socket-SSL (2.072 -> 2.073) php7 pim-data-exporter (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) pim-sieve-editor (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) pimcommon (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) pipewire (0.3.42 -> 0.3.43) plasma-browser-integration (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma-framework (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) plasma-nm5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-addons (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-desktop (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-disks (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-integration (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-openSUSE plasma5-pa (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-systemmonitor (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-thunderbolt (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) plasma5-workspace (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) powerdevil5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) prison-qt5 (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) purpose (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) python-PyNaCl (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0) python-attrs (21.2.0 -> 21.4.0) python-charset-normalizer (2.0.9 -> 2.0.10) python-decorator (5.1.0 -> 5.1.1) python-jedi python-lxml (4.6.5 -> 4.7.1) python-msgpack (1.0.2 -> 1.0.3) python-psutil (5.8.0 -> 5.9.0) python-reportlab (3.6.2 -> 3.6.5) python-ruamel.yaml (0.17.17 -> 0.17.20) python-zipp (3.6.0 -> 3.7.0) qqc2-desktop-style (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) rubygem-yast-rake (0.2.43 -> 0.2.44) rygel (0.40.2 -> 0.40.3) signon-kwallet-extension (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) skanlite (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) solid (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) sonnet (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) spectacle (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) step (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) sweeper (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) syndication (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) syntax-highlighting (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) system-config-printer systemd systemsettings5 (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) threadweaver (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) umbrello (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) wireplumber (0.4.5 -> 0.4.6) wpa_supplicant xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) yakuake (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) yast2-installation (4.4.32 -> 4.4.33) yast2-security (4.4.4 -> 4.4.6) yast2-trans (84.87.20220102.99430aa97b -> 84.87.20220109.a8187edd75) === Details === ==== akonadi-calendar ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar libKF5AkonadiCalendar5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-calendar-tools ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-contact ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKPimImportWizard5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-mime ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-notes ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-search ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiSearch - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== akonadi-server ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix min required libaccounts-qt version ==== akregator ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== amarok ==== Version update (2.9.75git.20210830T182443~10309f00af -> 2.9.75git.20220102T131246~92aa01de32) - Update to version 2.9.75git.20220102T131246~92aa01de32: * cmake: drop the recently removed upnpcollection * Remove upnpcollection plugin * Add -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII and fix compilation * Fixed non-resuming playback on startup * Enable new Gitlab CI * Add include of algorithm for std::sort and std::stable_sort * Replace functions deprecated in Qt 5.9 and earlier * Update Readme ==== analitza ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libAnalitza5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== apache2 ==== - Add apache2-perl-io-socket.patch: t/ssl/ocsp.t: Handle new error message raised by IO-Socket-SSL 2.073. ==== apache2-manual ==== - Add apache2-perl-io-socket.patch: t/ssl/ocsp.t: Handle new error message raised by IO-Socket-SSL 2.073. ==== apache2-mod_php7 ==== - use /tmp to store session information (boo#1194414) % php-ini.patch ==== apache2-prefork ==== - Add apache2-perl-io-socket.patch: t/ssl/ocsp.t: Handle new error message raised by IO-Socket-SSL 2.073. ==== apache2-utils ==== - Add apache2-perl-io-socket.patch: t/ssl/ocsp.t: Handle new error message raised by IO-Socket-SSL 2.073. ==== ark ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: ark-lang libkerfuffle21 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Hide welcome screen as soon as we know we're loading a file (kde#441529) * Do not highlight file after compression (kde#440663) * Fix extraction "Dolphin Actions" not abiding "Open destination folder after extracting" setting. (kde#319134) * Kerfuffle CreateJob: delete addJob in dtor (kde#443540) ==== arpwatch ==== - remove instance units from post scripts, they can not be reloaded ==== attica-qt5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Attica5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Remove unused and not exported QDebug stream operator for Attica::Category * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== baloo5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: baloo5-file baloo5-file-lang baloo5-imports baloo5-kioslaves baloo5-kioslaves-lang baloo5-tools baloo5-tools-lang libKF5Baloo5 libKF5BalooEngine5 libKF5BalooEngine5-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Adapt build system for building against qt6 * [kioslaves/tags] Set proper display name for root entry (kde#416389) * Port away from deprecated QMap::insertMulti & related KFileMetadata API ==== baloo5-widgets ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== blinken ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== bluedevil5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Show connected but non-paired devices (kde#432715) * [kcm] Fix device type detection for AudioVideo devices * [sendfile] Use error icon that actually exists * Save bluetooth status on teardown (kde#445376) ==== bluez-qt ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: bluez-qt-imports bluez-qt-udev libKF5BluezQt6 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Expose missing services to QML * Convert all Qt5 to Qt${...} + fix compile error * Fix compile against qt6 ==== bovo ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== breeze ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang libbreezecommon5-5 - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * [kstyle] Fix logic error in drawIndicatorButtonDropDownPrimitive ==== breeze-gtk ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * gtk3: custom GTK properties are case sensitive * gtk3, gtk4: don't treat buttons with icons as toolbuttons ==== breeze5-icons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Support old cmake * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * Add places-book, -library, -comic icons (kde#447062) * Include "*@*" in the icon_files list for installation * Make FM and system settings icons color-aware * improve installation of light fallback icons ==== calendarsupport ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5CalendarSupport5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== cervisia ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== curl ==== Version update (7.80.0 -> 7.81.0) Subpackages: libcurl4 - update to 7.81.0: * mime: use percent-escaping for multipart form field and file names * asyn-ares: ares_getaddrinfo needs no happy eyeballs timer * azure: make the "w/o HTTP/SMTP/IMAP" build disable SSL proper * BINDINGS: add cURL client for PostgreSQL * BINDINGS: add one from Everything curl and update a link * checksrc: detect more kinds of NULL comparisons we avoid * CI: build examples for additional code verification * CI: bump job to use mbedtls 3.1.0 * cmake: don't set _USRDLL on a static Windows build * cmake: prevent dev warning due to mismatched arg * cmake: private identifiers use CURL_ instead of CMAKE_ prefix * config.d: update documentation to match the path search * configure: add -lm to configure for rustls build. * configure: better diagnostics if hyper is built wrong * configure: don't enable TLS when --without-* flags are used * configure: fix runtime-lib detection on macOS * curl.1: require "see also" for every documented option * curl: improve error message for --head with -J * curl_easy_cleanup.3: remove from multi handle first * curl_easy_escape.3: call curl_easy_cleanup in example * curl_easy_unescape.3: call curl_easy_cleanup in example * curl_multi_init.3: fix EXAMPLE formatting * curl_multi_perform/socket_action.3: clarify what errors mean * curl_share_setopt.3: split out options into their own manpages * CURLOPT_STDERR.3: does not work with libcurl as a win32 DLL * digest: compute user:realm:pass digest w/o userhash * docs/checksrc: Add documentation for STRERROR * docs/cmdline-opts: do not say "protocols: all" * docs/examples: workaround broken -Wno-pedantic-ms-format * docs/HTTP3: describe how to setup a h3 reverse-proxy for testing * docs/ typo fix : added missing "get" verb * docs/ space is not fine in a given URL * docs: add known bugs list to * docs: address proselint nits * docs: consistent manpage SYNOPSIS * docs: fix dead links, remove * docs: fix typo in OpenSSL 3 build instructions * docs: Update the Reducing Size section * example/progressfunc: remove code for old libcurls * examples/multi-single.c: remove WAITMS() * FAQ: typo fix : "yout" ? "your" * ftp: disable warning 4706 in MSVC * improve example output format * github workflow: add wolfssl (removed from zuul) * github/workflows: add mbedtls and mbedtls-clang (removed from zuul) * gtls: check return code for gnutls_alpn_set_protocols * hash: lazy-alloc the table in Curl_hash_add() * http2:set_transfer_url() return early on OOM * HTTP3: update quiche build instructions * http: enable haproxy support for hyper backend * http: Fix CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES * http_proxy: don't close the socket (too early) * insecure.d: detail its use for SFTP and SCP as well * insecure.d: expand and clarify * libcurl-multi.3: "SOCKS proxy handshakes" are not blocking * libcurl-security.3: mention address and URL mitigations * libssh2: fix error message for sha256 mismatch * libtest: avoid "assignment within conditional expression" * lift: ignore is a deprecated config option, use ignoreRules * linkcheck.yml: add CI job that checks markdown links * m4/curl-compilers: tell clang -Wno-pointer-bool-conversion * Makefile.m32: rename -winssl option to -schannel and tidy up * mbedTLS: add support for CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB * mbedtls: fix CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOB * mbedtls: fix private member designations for v3.1.0 * misc: remove unused doh flags when CURL_DISABLE_DOH is defined * misc: s/e-mail/email * multi: cleanup the socket hash when destroying it * multi: handle errors returned from socket/timer callbacks * multi: shut down CONNECT in Curl_detach_connnection * netrc.d: edit the .netrc example to look nicer * ngtcp2: verify the server cert on connect (quictls) * ngtcp2: verify the server certificate for the gnutls case * nss:set_cipher don't clobber the cipher list * openldap: implement STARTTLS * openldap: process search query response messages one by one * openldap: several minor improvements * openldap: simplify ldif generation code * openssl: check the return value of BIO_new() * openssl: define HAVE_OPENSSL_VERSION for OpenSSL 1.1.0+ * openssl: remove `RSA_METHOD_FLAG_NO_CHECK` handling if unavailable * openssl: remove usage of deprecated `SSL_get_peer_certificate` * openssl: use non-deprecated API to read key parameters * page-footer: add a mention of how to report bugs to the man page * page-footer: document more environment variables * request.d: refer to 'method' rather than 'command' * retry-all-errors.d: make the example complete * runtests: make the SSH library a testable feature * rustls: read of zero bytes might be okay * rustls: remove comment about checking handshaking * rustls: remove incorrect EOF check * sha256/md5: return errors when init fails * socks5: use appropriate ATYP for numerical IP address host names * test1156: enable for hyper * test1156: fixup the stdout check for Windows * test1525: tweaked for hyper * test1526: enable for hyper * test1527: enable for hyper * test1528: enable for hyper * test1554: adjust for hyper * test1556: adjust for hyper * test302[12]: run only with the libssh2 backend * test661: enable for hyper * tests/ add more information on CI environments * tests/data/test302[12]: fix MSYS2 path conversion of hostpubsha256 * tftp: mark protocol as not possible to do over CONNECT * tool_findfile: updated search for a file in the homedir * tool_operate: only set SSH related libcurl options for SSH URLs * tool_operate: warn if too many output arguments were found * url.c: fix the SIGPIPE comment for Curl_close * url: check ssl_config when re-use proxy connection * url: reduce ssl backend count for CURL_DISABLE_PROXY builds * urlapi: accept port number zero * urlapi: if possible, shorten given numerical IPv6 addresses * urlapi: provide more detailed return codes * urlapi: reject short file URLs * version_win32: Check build number and platform id * vtls/rustls: adapt to the updated rustls_version proto * writeout: fix %{http_version} for HTTP/3 * x509asn1: return early on errors * zuul.d: update rustls-ffi to version 0.8.2 * zuul: fix quiche build pointing to wrong Cargo ==== discover ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * flatpak: Properly fetch the version we are upgrading to (kde#447033) * flatpak: Properly filter installed apps (kde#446501) ==== dolphin ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-part-lang libdolphinvcs5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Use QUrl::toDisplayString when presenting to the user ==== dragonplayer ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: dragonplayer-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== drkonqi5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== eog-plugins ==== Version update (3.26.7 -> 3.26.8) - Update to version 3.26.8: + Exif Display: make _eog_util_make_valid_utf8 static. + Updated translations. ==== eventviews ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5EventViews5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== fltk ==== - drop explicit pie flags setting and use --with-optim to pass in optimizer flags (bsc#1194419), binary is pie now automatically - disable building against local copies of libjpeg etc - Fix LDFLAGS reported by fltk-config (strip -pie), which breaks building shared libraries linking to libfltk (boo#1194419) ==== frameworkintegration ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: frameworkintegration-plugin libKF5Style5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix clazy warning * Make it compiles against kf5.89 ==== fwupd-efi ==== - Re-add fwupdx64.efi.signed symlink (boo#1192206) ==== grantleetheme ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5GrantleeTheme5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== gupnp ==== Version update (1.4.1 -> 1.4.2) - Update to version 1.4.2: + Context: Fix a memory leak if ACL was used + RootDevice: Deprecate get_relative_location call + RootDevice, Device & Service: Fix use-after-free if Service lives longer than RootDevice + Service: Declare _valist functions deprecated + ServiceAction: Deprecate _return() call + ServiceProxy: - Fix re-queueing the message if POST fails - Fix double-free on ProxyAction + ServiceProxyAction: add _set() to the public API + ControlPoint: Deprecate get_context() call + Doc: - Add missing ContextFilter description - Add note regarding ACL and host_path() - Add note regarding error handling of call API - Add gupnp-build-man-pages.patch: Build and install the manpage. ==== gwenview5 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * catch std::out_of_range exception from libexiv2 * Fix scrolling on the ZoomComboBox ==== incidenceeditor ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5IncidenceEditor5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * make organizer lable wider (kde#414977) ==== juk ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== k3b ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix changing command line encoder options not having effect until app restart (kde#446900) ==== kaccounts-integration ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libkaccounts2 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kaccounts-providers ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kactivities-stats ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kactivities5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kactivities5-imports libKF5Activities5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kactivitymanagerd ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kaddressbook ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc libKPimAddressbookImportExport5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kalarmcal ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-kalarmcal libKF5AlarmCalendar5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kamera ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kanagram ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kapptemplate ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== karchive ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix printf conversion specifiers * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kate ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kate-plugins - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * lsp: Do not HTML escape markdown text * Fix blame not visible after switching to a 'diff view' * SemanticTokens: Use size_t as argument for type (kde#447553) * lsp: Handle client/RegisterCapability * Fix incorrect blame info parsing when summary has '\t' * ColorBrackets: Fix disconnecting wrong view * Fix 2 second delays for everything semantic highlighting related * do nothing if use canceled project open (kde#447194) * Ensure to clean up saved ranges when docs close * enable/disable project actions (kde#445494) * Fix segfault on session change * try to fix compile on FreeBSD * build 'Colored brackets for readability' plugin in master * fix sessions segfault because of invalid iterator (kde#446863) * appstream: Remove duplicated release info * Fix LSPTooltip sizing ==== katomic ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kauth ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Auth5 libKF5Auth5-lang libKF5AuthCore5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Use version-less and non-deprecated data install dir variable * ActionReply: remove operator<< and operator>> * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kblackbox ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kblocks ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kbookmarks ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * [kbookmarksmanager] Don't recreate static QRegularExpression in findByAddress * Use QStringConverter rather than QTextCodec with Qt6 * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 ==== kbounce ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kbreakout ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kbruch ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcachegrind ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcalc ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcalendarcore ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compiles against qt6 * Add unittest for timeSpec-only change of dtStart/dtEnd * Compare timeSpec() for the end date/time too. * ICalFormat: reduce calls to dtStart()/dtEnd(), use the local vars * Fix timezone information being lost when creating events ==== kcalutils ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5CalendarUtils5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcharselect ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcm_sddm ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kcmutils ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Remove QDesktopWidget include, not used any where * Change build system for building against qt6 * Wrap deprecated KDelarative::ConfigModule::aboutData method call in deprecation wrappers * Deprecate KPluginSelector class * Allow KCMUtils to build without deprecated KCoreAddons methods * Update showNavigationButtons to use enum type * Fix PluginPage deprecation docs ==== kcodecs ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * QTBUG-83081 seems to be fixed with Qt6 * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kcolorchooser ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kcompletion ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kconfig ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigGui5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * kconfig_compiler/CMakeLists.txt - use CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING * Complete fixing the Windows CI * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * Allow kreadconfig/kwriteconfig to access the root group ==== kconfigwidgets ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix conditions used in config file * [kcolorschememodel] Read .colors files from assets on Android * Sync default colors from Breeze Light color scheme * kcommandbar: Don't warn if action is separator * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * [kcmodule] Deprecate aboutData and componentData * [KCommandBar] Fix resetting m_hasActionsWithIcons ==== kcontacts ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kcontacts-lang libKF5Contacts5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kcoreaddons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kcoreaddons-lang libKF5CoreAddons5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Introduce K_PLUGIN_CLASS macro for creating plugin factory without metadata * Don't hardcode kservicestypes5 as search path * Put QT_VERSION check around Kdelibs4Migration class * FindProcstat: Fix CMake warning and use an imported target * Don't put the plugins in a "/plugins" sub-dir in the builddir * KPluginFactory: report errors from QPluginLoader * Use directly stream operators * Now it returns qsizetype in qt6 * KF5CoreAddonsMacros: Replace "." with "_" for KPLUGINFACTORY_PLUGIN_CLASS_INTERNAL_NAME compile definition * Clarify deprecation docs of KPluginLoader::factory * Write value of QT_MAJOR_VERSION in cmake config file * Build system changes to compile against Qt6 ==== kcrash ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kdav ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kdav-lang libKF5DAV5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Adapt build system to allow building against Qt6 * Port away from QtXmlPatterns ==== kdbusaddons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kdbusaddons-tools libKF5DBusAddons5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix conditions used in config file * API docs: improve docs for D-Bus activation and startup id handling * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kde-cli-tools5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kde-gtk-config5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3 - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kde-print-manager ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdeclarative ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kdeclarative-components libKF5CalendarEvents5 libKF5Declarative5 libKF5QuickAddons5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Add a few Qt6 compilation fixes * Drop lib prefix when building for Windows * follow method name changes in kglobalaccel * Need include here (qt6 build) * Use "frameless" style for grid and scroll view QtQuick KCMs by default * Detect overlapping shortcuts ==== kdeconnect-kde ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Mark settings and SMS app as single window * [settings] Rename desktop file to match desktop entry defined by KAboutData * Disable Battery plugin on Windows ==== kded ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kded-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix build with Qt6 * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdelibs4support ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kdelibs4support-lang libKF5KDELibs4Support5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Remove ugly white frame from beautiful Latvian flag ==== kdenetwork-filesharing ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdepim-addons ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix modify values * Allow to sort items * Use QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection it's better ==== kdepim-runtime ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * pop3: Properly reload settings on configuration change (kde#447005) * POP3: Fix SSL connections (kde#446751) * Use QFormLayout here - Drop upstream patch: * 0001-POP3-Fix-SSL-connections.patch ==== kdesu ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kdevelop5 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kdevelop5-lang kdevplatform kdevplatform-lang libkdevplatform57 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdf ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kwikdisk - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdialog ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * appstream: Remove duplicated release info ==== kdiamond ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kdnssd-framework ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kdoctools ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kdoctools-lang libKF5DocTools5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Remove the usage of QTextCodec (and thus Qt6Core5Compat) for Qt6 * Don't compare signed with unsigned int * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kemoticons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (5.15.12 -> 5.16.0) Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-docs - Refresh patches.suse/random-fix-crash-on-multiple-early-calls-to-add_bootloader_randomness.patch. * Update upstream status * Update to the latest (upstream) version * Move it within series to upstream-soon patches - commit c4ca5fd - Refresh patches.suse/rtw89-update-partition-size-of-firmware-header-on-sk.patch. Update upstream status. - commit a6f5d1b - Update to 5.16 final - refresh configs (headers only) - commit b8251b4 - Refresh BT workaround patch (bsc#1193124) Fix yet another broken device 8086:0aa7 - commit 163b552 - Linux 5.15.13 (bsc#1012628). - Input: i8042 - enable deferred probe quirk for ASUS UM325UA (bsc#1012628). - tomoyo: Check exceeded quota early in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok() (bsc#1012628). - tomoyo: use hwight16() in tomoyo_domain_quota_is_ok() (bsc#1012628). - net/sched: Extend qdisc control block with tc control block (bsc#1012628). - parisc: Clear stale IIR value on instruction access rights trap (bsc#1012628). - platform/mellanox: mlxbf-pmc: Fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in mlxbf_pmc_map_counters (bsc#1012628). - platform/x86: apple-gmux: use resource_size() with res (bsc#1012628). - memblock: fix memblock_phys_alloc() section mismatch error (bsc#1012628). - ALSA: hda: intel-sdw-acpi: harden detection of controller (bsc#1012628). - ALSA: hda: intel-sdw-acpi: go through HDAS ACPI at max depth of 2 (bsc#1012628). - fix typo in s390 mcount regex (bsc#1012628). - powerpc/ptdump: Fix DEBUG_WX since generic ptdump conversion (bsc#1012628). - efi: Move efifb_setup_from_dmi() prototype from arch headers (bsc#1012628). - selinux: initialize proto variable in selinux_ip_postroute_compat() (bsc#1012628). - scsi: lpfc: Terminate string in lpfc_debugfs_nvmeio_trc_write() (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5: DR, Fix NULL vs IS_ERR checking in dr_domain_init_resources (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5: Fix error print in case of IRQ request failed (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5: Fix SF health recovery flow (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5: Fix tc max supported prio for nic mode (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Wrap the tx reporter dump callback to extract the sq (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix interoperability between XSK and ICOSQ recovery flow (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix ICOSQ recovery flow for XSK (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Use tc sample stubs instead of ifdefs in source file (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Delete forward rule for ct or sample action (bsc#1012628). - udp: using datalen to cap ipv6 udp max gso segments (bsc#1012628). - selftests: Calculate udpgso segment count without header adjustment (bsc#1012628). - sctp: use call_rcu to free endpoint (bsc#1012628). - net/smc: fix using of uninitialized completions (bsc#1012628). - net: usb: pegasus: Do not drop long Ethernet frames (bsc#1012628). - net: ag71xx: Fix a potential double free in error handling paths (bsc#1012628). - net: lantiq_xrx200: fix statistics of received bytes (bsc#1012628). - NFC: st21nfca: Fix memory leak in device probe and remove (bsc#1012628). - net/smc: don't send CDC/LLC message if link not ready (bsc#1012628). - net/smc: fix kernel panic caused by race of smc_sock (bsc#1012628). - igc: Fix TX timestamp support for non-MSI-X platforms (bsc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Send s0i2_rdy in stream_count == 0 optimization (bsc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Set optimize_pwr_state for DCN31 (bsc#1012628). - ionic: Initialize the 'lif->dbid_inuse' bitmap (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix wrong features assignment in case of error (bsc#1012628). - net: bridge: mcast: add and enforce query interval minimum (bsc#1012628). - net: bridge: mcast: add and enforce startup query interval minimum (bsc#1012628). - selftests/net: udpgso_bench_tx: fix dst ip argument (bsc#1012628). - selftests: net: Fix a typo in (bsc#1012628). - net: bridge: mcast: fix br_multicast_ctx_vlan_global_disabled helper (bsc#1012628). - net/ncsi: check for error return from call to nla_put_u32 (bsc#1012628). - selftests: net: using ping6 for IPv6 in (bsc#1012628). - fsl/fman: Fix missing put_device() call in fman_port_probe (bsc#1012628). - i2c: validate user data in compat ioctl (bsc#1012628). - nfc: uapi: use kernel size_t to fix user-space builds (bsc#1012628). - uapi: fix linux/nfc.h userspace compilation errors (bsc#1012628). - drm/nouveau: wait for the exclusive fence after the shared ones v2 (bsc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu: When the VCN(1.0) block is suspended, powergating is explicitly enabled (bsc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu: add support for IP discovery gc_info table v2 (bsc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Changed pipe split policy to allow for multi-display pipe split (bsc#1012628). - xhci: Fresco FL1100 controller should not have BROKEN_MSI quirk set (bsc#1012628). - usb: gadget: f_fs: Clear ffs_eventfd in ffs_data_clear (bsc#1012628). - usb: mtu3: add memory barrier before set GPD's HWO (bsc#1012628). - usb: mtu3: fix list_head check warning (bsc#1012628). - usb: mtu3: set interval of FS intr and isoc endpoint (bsc#1012628). - nitro_enclaves: Use get_user_pages_unlocked() call to handle mmap assert (bsc#1012628). - binder: fix async_free_space accounting for empty parcels (bsc#1012628). - scsi: vmw_pvscsi: Set residual data length conditionally (bsc#1012628). - Input: appletouch - initialize work before device registration (bsc#1012628). - Input: spaceball - fix parsing of movement data packets (bsc#1012628). - mm/damon/dbgfs: fix 'struct pid' leaks in 'dbgfs_target_ids_write()' (bsc#1012628). - net: fix use-after-free in tw_timer_handler (bsc#1012628). - fs/mount_setattr: always cleanup mount_kattr (bsc#1012628). - perf intel-pt: Fix parsing of VM time correlation arguments (bsc#1012628). - perf script: Fix CPU filtering of a script's switch events (bsc#1012628). - perf scripts python: Fix printing of switch events (bsc#1012628). - commit 01786ae - Revert "config: disable BTRFS_ASSERT in default kernels" This was pushed without enough review, reverting. - commit e86c2a0 - Revert "config: disable BTRFS_ASSERT in default kernels" This was pushed without enough review, reverting. - commit 4fb1cfd - Revert "config: disable BTRFS_ASSERT in default kernels" This reverts commit 81985a674cf03fa1ef7c290050be04e57f8490dc. This is a change affecting correctness, trading it for some performance. This was done without prior discussion with btrfs people, so revert it to previous state. - commit 55f2c08 - media: Revert "media: uvcvideo: Set unique vdev name based in type" (bsc#1193255). - commit b3f1eb0 - Update to 5.16-rc8 - commit b59b474 - config: Enable CONFIG_CMA on riscv64 Non-default dependent config changes: - DMA_CMA=y - commit c0aa71e - igc: Do not enable crosstimestamping for i225-V models (bsc#1193039). - commit a77f415 ==== kfilemetadata5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kfilemetadata5-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Optimize README formatting for * USe const'ref ==== kgamma5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kgamma5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kgeography ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Do not specify an exact size for the appdata screenshot ==== kget ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix destination filesystem type check for downloads bigger than 4 GiB (kde#444591) ==== kglobalaccel ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kglobalaccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5 libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * Use QKeySequence instead of int ==== kgoldrunner ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kguiaddons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Add KIconUtils::addOverlays() overload to allow passing QIcon and QStringList * Fix CMake config file for Qt6 with X11 builds * Compile with Qt 6.3 * Use qt_generate_wayland_protocol_client_sources with Qt6 * KSystemclipboard: add a nullcheck * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * WaylandClipboard: Do not emit change upon the offer for our own source ==== khangman ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== khelpcenter5 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kholidays ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * holiday_us_en-us - add Juneteenth * Add missing Qt@QT_MAJOR_VERSION@ here * Make it compile against qt6 ==== khotkeys5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== khtml ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== ki18n ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Adapt unit tests to iso-codes 4.8 * Remove private QtCore API use with Qt6 * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * API dox: fix KUIT tags examples to use xi18n* calls ==== kiconthemes ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * KIconColors: add Complement and Contrast * KIconColors: add .ColorScheme-ActiveText * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kidentitymanagement ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kidletime ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix comment * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kig ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kimageformats ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kimageformats-eps - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix typo * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kimap ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kinfocenter5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kinit ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== kio ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kio-core - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Too many changes since 5.89.0, only listing bugfixes: * kdirmodel: Return "unknown" icon when the icon is null (kde#447573) * do not access service past its prime (kde#446539) ==== kio-extras5 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libkioarchive5 - Add patch to fix sftp connection if the server requires compression (boo#1192731): * 0001-sftp-Allow-compression-if-necessary.patch - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix SMB URL (kde#447319) ==== kio_audiocd ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kipi-plugins ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kirigami2 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kirigami2-lang libKF5Kirigami2-5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Icon documentation: add note about Cuttlefish * ContextDrawer: fix documentation for "footer" * Fix type error introduced in 52ce01c * Add licenses to example files * WheelHandler: Improve consistency with scrolling in Qt Widgets, add more properties * Fix navigation buttons on layers * Fix typo in search field documentation * FormLayout: Switch an instance of let to var * Add missing include (qt6 build) * ShadowedRectangle: Add renderType option * Dialog: Remove warning * AboutPage: show spinner feedback while loading remote icon * AboutPage: Only mess with the URL when we are dealing with KDE products (kde#444554) * AboutItem: don't multiply sizes by devicePixelRatio * AboutItem: Fix incorrect usage of height: and width: inside layouts * OverlaySheet: Modify anchors on tall headers imperatively * globaltoolbar: Use strict === equality in JavaScript * Add explicit restore mode to avoid warning * PageRowGlobalToolBarUI: don't animate opacity, take two (kde#417636) ==== kiriki ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kitemmodels ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kitemmodels-imports libKF5ItemModels5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Support numeric sort and filter roles next to role names * Add TODO for removing invokable removeRows wrappers with Qt 6.4 * Add missing qt6 porting code * Compile against qt6 * Forward removeRow(s) to QML ==== kitemviews ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== kiten ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix dictionary data URLs ==== kitinerary ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fixes for vitolus extractor * Extract UIC operator code from SNCF TER barcodes * Make proper json * Find more reservation number variants in SNCF TER PDF tickets * Add extractor script for Amtrak tickets * Make the VIA Rail extractor work both with a full PDF or just the barcode ==== kjobwidgets ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * KUIServerV2JobTracker: Add "transient" property support ==== kjs ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5JS5 libKF5JSApi5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== kjumpingcube ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kldap ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Ldap5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kleopatra ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== klines ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmag ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmail ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kmail-application-icons ktnef - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix autotest ==== kmail-account-wizard ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmailtransport ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmbox ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmenuedit5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kmime ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmines ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmousetool ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmouth ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kmplot ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== knavalbattle ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== knetwalk ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== knewstuff ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: knewstuff-imports libKF5NewStuff5 libKF5NewStuffCore5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Drop lib prefix when building for Windows (kde#446950) * Remove defunct manual khotnewstuff_upload test * Compile fixes for Qt 6 * Fix i18n* functions for knewstuff-dialog not existing * Port all KF deprecations until 5.89 * Unnest private classes, use std::unique_ptr to manage lifetime * Generate own export header for KNSWidgets module * Fix include install directory * Fix library name * Move KNS3::Action class to new KNSWidgets submodule * New class: KNS3::Action ==== knotes ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== knotifications ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * Use the org.freedesktop.Notifications.ActivationToken signal * Remove unneeded KPluginLoader include * Unify WITH_KWINDOWSYSTEM and HAVE_KWINDOWSYSTEM build vars * Fix build without KWindowSystem * Offer API to support xdg_activation_v1 ==== knotifyconfig ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix typo * Make it compile against qt6 ==== kolf ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kollision ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kolourpaint ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kompare ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== konquest ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== konsole ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Use tighter matching when finding the default profile file name (kde#447872) * SSHManager: Fix two i18n problems * Fix localization in ssh widget ui. ==== kontact ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kontactinterface ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== konversation ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * If restored or started hidden in systray, report start done to WM directly * Hide window to systray using SNI, for consistent storing of any window info * Help GNOME shell to know there is only one window/instance of Konversation * Set StartupWMClass in desktop file * Fix broken restore by session management * Fix unused empty space on tabbar if separate tab close button is disabled (kde#382056) * Fix quitting app without confirm dialog after previous canceling of quit (kde#444440) * Support and use modern code for Strikethrough formatting * On activation by KDBusService set proper startupId/activation token (kde#430561) * Channel Settings UI: bump max value of "User limit" to 99999 (kde#446673) * Fix plural arg string->int for log msg "[...] channel limit to %1 nicks." * Bugfix: Correct behaviour of "case sensitive" tab completion option (kde#442109) * Add CI to stable branch ==== kopete ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== korganizer ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * searchdialog.cpp - activateWindow on showEvent for ease-of-use ==== kpackage ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kpackage-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * PackagePrivate: use unique_ptr for fallbackPackage * Add a service type property definition for NoDisplay * Fix macro. We need to use specific rcc program * Fix compile against qt6 * Change build system for building against qt6 * Port away from KPluginMetaData::serviceTypes ==== kparts ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * partviewer test: Add assertion to make sure we load the plugin factory successful * Increase KF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT to latest released frameworks version * Silence deprecation warning for KMimeTypeTrader in compatibility block * Silence deprecation warnings in deprecated KParts::Plugin class * Port deprecated KFileItemActions::associatedApplications method call * Port deprecated KService::instantiatePlugin method call * Call KPluginFactory::create overload without plugin keyword * Deprecate KParts::Plugin class * Port KPart template away from deprecated KPluginLoader * Port from KPluginLoader::findPlugins to KPluginMetaData::findPlugins ==== kpat ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kpeople5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make it compile against qt6 * Bump KF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT value to latest released frameworks * Port away from deprecated KPluginLoader ==== kpimtextedit ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5PimTextEdit5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kpkpass ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKPimPkPass5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kplotting ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix compile against qt6 ==== kpty ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Adapt to QProcess::setupChildProcess() removal in Qt6 * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kquickcharts ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== krdc ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kreversi ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== krfb ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kross ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kross-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 5.89.0 ==== kruler ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== krunner ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * Do not require Plasma when building without deprecations * Improve QRegularExpression usage a bit * dbusrunner: Reduce unnecessary QMap lookups * dbusrunner: Set parent for matches to the current runner * Allow runners to opt-out storage of entry to history * RunerContext: Allow runners to update the query string ==== kscreen5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kscreenlocker ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5 - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kservice ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Wrap KServiceTypeTrader methods to create instances also in KCOREADDONS visibility guard * Not use toLower on DesktopEntryName * QVariant(QVariant::Type) constructor is explicit in Qt6 * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * Expand deprecation docs for KServiceTypeTrader * Deprecate KServiceTypeTrader class * Emit deprecation warning for KServiceType class * Deprecate KPluginInfo in favor of KPluginMetaData ==== kshisen ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksirk ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksmtp ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kspaceduel ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksquares ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksshaskpass5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== ksudoku ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksystemlog ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ksystemstats5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kteatime ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ktexteditor ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: ktexteditor-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Add a formatting commit to ignore-list * try to fix behavior for vimode on completion (kde#444883) * Change build system to make building against qt6 * Apply word filter on async completion models (kde#444883) * Validates the input method attributes received from input method. (kde#443977) * fix compile on Mac if EditorConfig is found * Remove unused exporting of SwapFile class symbols * Fix cursor position after completion tail restore * let cmake generate the PCH header completely * Introduce PCH support * Color current indentation line differently * Fix unused capture warning * Vimode-keyparser: Make some functions more efficient * Use KTextEditor::Range by value - Rebase 0001-Disable-KAuth-integration.patch ==== ktextwidgets ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 ==== ktimer ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ktnef ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== ktouch ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kturtle ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kubrick ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kunitconversion ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Prepare KUnitConversion::UnitCategory to become non-virtual in KF6 * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * Prepare for KUnitConversion::Unit to become non-virtual in KF6 * Fix cache file removal in valuetest * Fix cyclic reference between Unit and UnitCategory ==== kwallet ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: kwallet-tools kwalletd5 libKF5Wallet5 libkwalletbackend5-5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Add desktop file for kwalletd * Properly apply KAboutData * Fix notifyrc name ==== kwalletmanager5 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kwayland ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Make linux/input.h a hard dependency ==== kwayland-integration ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kwayland-server ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kwidgetsaddons ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix year format in heading of KDatePicker * Replace QTouchDevice with QPointingDevice to build with Qt6 in autotests * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * Added comments to KSelectAction::setMenu() * Localise numbers displayed in KDatePicker * [KMessageWidget] Ignore resize event when doing `animatedShow()` ==== kwin5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: kwin5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Fix memory leak in some plasma components (kde#444429,kde#444381,kde#444077,kde#444306) * XDGShellClient: Protect from invalid frameGeometry on updateDecoration (kde#445140) * input: set tablet cursor hotspot * platforms/drm: remove the dpms filter when outputs are added (kde#446699) * scripting: Fix type of KWinComponents.Workspace * autotests: Add a test that checks one possible corner case during xdg-toplevel initialization * wayland: Resize the client to last requested client size if decoration is destroyed (kde#444962) ==== kwindowsystem ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix kkeyserver_x11_unittest by using static QChar::isLetter() * Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 * Avoid using QByteArray::operator[] for the null terminator (kde#434557) * doc: Add missing @since in KWindowSystem * Avoid creating and leaking QWindows ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== kwrited5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== kxmlgui ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Port deprecated method * Fix nested @ expansion in CMake config file * [KToolBar] Add actions from delayed toolbutton menus to context menu * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * Do not steal all keys from shortcut ==== layer-shell-qt ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== libKF5ModemManagerQt ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Use QStringView::sliced * Make it compile against qt6 ==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Use QStringView in qt6 only * Make it compile against qt6 ==== libcamera ==== Version update (0.0.0+g3076.d79b4120 -> 0.0.0+g3381.1db1e31e) - Update to version 0.0.0+g3381.1db1e31e: * No changelog available. ==== libgravatar ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkcddb ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkcompactdisc ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkdcraw ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkdecoration2 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private9 - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libKF5KDEGames7 libkdegames-qt5-imports - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkdepim ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkexiv2 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkgapi ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkipi ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkleo ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libkomparediff2 ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libksane ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * do not start FindDevicesThread unconditionally * announce zero progress directly after the very first byte has been read ==== libkscreen2 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== libksieve ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libksieve5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== libksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats-data libKSysGuardSystemStats1 libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Handle process parent changes in ProcessDataModel (kde#446534) ==== libktorrent ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== logrotate ==== Version update (3.18.1 -> 3.19.0) - update to 3.19.0: * continue on EINTR in compressLogFile() (#430) * enforce stricter parsing of configuration files (#427, #431) * avoid confusing error message in debug mode (#426) * fix full_write() on incomplete write (#415) * do not use alloca() any more (#412) * do not rotate hard links unless allowhardlink is used (#407) * change directory after dropping privileges (#397) * add defence in depth when dropping privileges (#400) * remove invalid configuration on error (#408) * do not open symbolic link log files by accident (#399) * do not write state if state file is /dev/null (#395) - rebased logrotate-3.13.0-systemd_add_home_env.patch and renamed to logrotate-3.19.0-systemd_add_home_env.patch - removed obsolete logrotate-dont_warn_on_size=_syntax.patch ==== lokalize ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix stack overflow ==== lskat ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== mailcommon ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Allow to open dialog as not modal * Fix Add recursive option to "Hide this folder in the folder selection dialog" (kde#446837) ==== mailimporter ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== messagelib ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== milou5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: milou5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== mobipocket ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== mtools ==== Version update (4.0.36 -> 4.0.37) - update to 4.0.37: * Removed mclasserase commands, which doesn't fit the coding structure of the rest of mtools * Add support to -i option to mcd * Document -i in mtools.1 * Fix a missing commad error in floppyd_io.c ==== mutt ==== Version update (2.0.7 -> 2.1.5) Subpackages: mutt-doc mutt-lang - Update to mutt 2.1.5 * This is a bug-fix release, fixing two SMTP authentication issues, a crash bug on NetBSD, and a couple other issues. * Mutt 2.1.4 was released on December 11, 2021. This is a bug-fix release, fixing a performance issue when used with DavMail. * Mutt 2.1.3 was released on September 10, 2021. This is a bug-fix release, fixing some of the fixes in the last release. IMAP and QRESYNC users are advised to upgrade. * Mutt 2.1.2 was released on August 24, 2021. This is an important bug-fix release, fixing a potential data-loss IMAP bug, a couple QRESYNC bugs, and a few other issues. IMAP users are strongly advised to upgrade. * Mutt 2.1.1 was released on July 12, 2021. This is a bug-fix release, fixing some redraw issues and a problem with the new List Menu for mbox mailboxes. * Mutt 2.1.0 was released on June 12, 2021. This release has new features and bug fixes. ! The -d option allows a negative number. If negative, debug files are not rotated. The debug level is the absolute value. + <view-pager> in the attachment menu uses a copiousoutput mailcap entry, or falls back to raw text. + <view-mailcap>, <view-pager>, and <view-text> functions added to the compose menu. + <view-alt-pager> in the compose menu allows previewing the output of the $send_multipart_alternative_filter the way <view-pager> does. + <list-action>, bound to Esc-L in the index and pager menu, brings up a menu of operations to perform on mailing list emails, such as subscribe/unsubscribe. + <skip-headers>, bound to 'H' in the pager, will skip to the first blank line following the headers. ! ~h patterns over IMAP and POP3 will only download the headers of the message. However with message caching enabled (via $message_cachedir) the whole message will still be downloaded. + $ssl_verify_host_override allows manually specifying the host name to verify a server certificate against. ! --enable-hcache, with no particular backend enabled, will scan in the order: kyotocabinet, tokyocabinet, lmdb, qdbm, gdbm, bdb. ! $allow_ansi understands 256-color ANSI escape sequences. + $message_id_format can be used to specify a custom message-id format. Since it's a format string, this can also use a filter. Please use this option with care, as Mutt won't check if your message-id is legal. ! mailboxes -nonotify will poll a mailbox for new mail, but will not trigger new mail notifications (e.g. $beep_new or $new_mail_command). ! $reverse_name affects tagged reply/forward/compose-to-sender actions too. ! ANSI sequences are filtered for inline-forwarded autoview content, in addition to replies. ! $forward_decrypt is now a quadoption, defaulting 'yes' for backward compatibility. ! Pattern functions, (e.g. search and limit) can be interrupted with ctrl-c. ! The default mailto_allow list now includes cc, in-reply-to, and references. + $sort_browser_mailboxes controls mailbox browsing, and defaults "unsorted". $sort_browser now only controls directory browsing. ! $sort_browser and $sort_browser_mailboxes "unsorted" now means the order added (e.g. specified in the muttrc). Switching back to "unsorted" will now resort in that order (previously it was a no-op.) ! In the browser ".." is excluded from sorting and kept at the top. ! Temp filenames generated for mailcap invocation now allow non-ascii characters. + $local_date_header, when unset, causes the date in the Date header to be formatted using the GMT timezone. - Port patches * aw.listreply.diff * bsc907453-CVE-2014-9116-jessie.patch * mutt-1.10.1-imap.patch * mutt-1.13.3.dif * mutt-1.5.15-wrapcolumn.diff * mutt-1.5.20-sendgroupreplyto.diff * mutt-1.5.21-mailcap.diff * mutt-1.5.23-carriage-return.path * mutt-1.6.1-opennfs.dif * patch-1.5.24.vk.pgp_verbose_mime * widechar.sidebar.dif - Add keyring and signing of the tarball ==== mutter ==== - Add mutter-initialize-saved_rect_fullscreen.patch: Some applications that starts in fullscreen disappear when switching back to normal size mode, because mutter forget to initialize saved_rect_fullscreen which is used for unfullscreen, this patch fixes it (glgo#GNOME/mutter!2210, bsc#1185444). ==== noto-coloremoji-fonts ==== Version update (20200916 -> 20211101) - Update to v2.034 * Unicode 14.0 update ==== okular ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: okular-spectre - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Fix opening some password protected documents * CI: Debian has removed clazy from testing, use the one in unstable for now * Fix uninitialized memory read when opening the settings * Fix crash when adding stamps to the quick annotations (kde#447409) * Make CI happy ==== orca ==== - Add python-rpm-macros BuildRequires in case some build environment does not pull it automatically. This is needed by macros like %{python3_sitelib}. ==== oxygen5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== parley ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== perl-IO-Socket-SSL ==== Version update (2.072 -> 2.073) - updated to 2.073 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Socket-SSL/Changes 2.073 - fix behavior and tests for openssl 3.0.1 - fix #110 - prevent internal error warning in some cases ==== php7 ==== Subpackages: php7-cli php7-ctype php7-dom php7-gd php7-gettext php7-iconv php7-json php7-mbstring php7-mysql php7-openssl php7-pdo php7-sqlite php7-tokenizer php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter - use /tmp to store session information (boo#1194414) % php-ini.patch ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== pimcommon ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== pipewire ==== Version update (0.3.42 -> 0.3.43) Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools - Update to version 0.3.43: * Highlights: - Flatpak apps such as Ardour can now remove links again. - Many fixes to pulse-server. Memory usage should be improved. Some crashes are fixed. Underrun handling should work better. Better compatibility with GStreamer based applications after seeking. - Many of the samplerate and quantum changes bugs in previous releases were fixed. This fixes some issues where the microphone would fail to work. - Many more small fixes and improvements all over the place. ==== plasma-browser-integration ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma-framework ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Plasma5 plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * plasmoidheading: make corners consistent, improve top line color * Port I18N_NOOP to KLazyLocalizedString * PC3 ItemDelegate: Actually use ItemDelegate type * Add a destroy method to the view * PC3 ProgressBar: fix fill going OOB when indeterminate state ends (kde#428955) * Fix background corners and PC3 ToolTip style (kde#442745) * fix availableScreenRect for applets/containments (kde#445495) * widgets/tasks.svgz: Use more saturated colors for the focus and attention states (kde#434821) * Doc: ToolTip: Fix broken example * When adding a new applet to a desktop containment, add it to the center * DefaultToolTip: Remove unused QML ids * DefaultToolTip: Fix whitespace * DefaultToolTip: Use strict !== equality * DefaultToolTip: Replace spacing expressions with more appropriate ones * wallpaperinterface: Update "contextualActions" after clearing actions (kde#446195) ==== plasma-nm5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma5-addons ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma5-desktop ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier - Apply openSUSE branding of favorites as patch: * 0001-Apply-branding-to-default-favorites.patch - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * [kcms/keyboard] Fix setting options on X11 (kde#443609) * [kcms/keyboard] Fix fallback handling in X11Helper::getGroupNames * SwitcherBackend: Only create the workaround window on wayland (kde#443968) * Touchpad KCM: Don't write default values to active config (kde#427771) * Change ListView code to match GridView * Fix GridView size/position * Move plasmoid specific properties out of singleton (kde#443131) * kcms/touchpad/applet: Fix mousearea lookup * containments/panel: Fix initial sizing * kcms/touchpad/applet: Make the popup close on click (kde#445982) - Drop patches, fixed upstream: * 0001-SwitcherBackend-Only-create-the-workaround-window-on.patch ==== plasma5-disks ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma5-integration ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma5-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE - Update to 5.23.5 ==== plasma5-pa ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Fixes toggling Configure button on click. ==== plasma5-systemmonitor ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Add comma separated filtering to ApplicationsTableView * ApplicationsTable: Remove unneeded ProcessSortFilterModel (kde#445544) ==== plasma5-thunderbolt ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== plasma5-workspace ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * applets/systemtray: Follow panel opacity (kde#439025) * [webshortcutsrunner] Fix private browsing with some Firefoxes * [kcms/style] Don't call setNeedsSave when style config changes (kde#439297) * digital-clock: fix calendar popup contrast when opened from desktop (kde#446991) * [libnotificationmanager] Fix memory leak * [kcms/lookandfeel] Guard reading invalid first entry (kde#446100) * [Global Menu] Set translation domain * lookandfeel: Add missing check if list of files is empty (kde#439797) * [KSplash] Start with zero opacity * Fix Klipper Actions content truncation (kde#444365) * [klipper] Use full text for DBus return values (kde#446441) ==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== powerdevil5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * powerprofileconfig: Use m_profileCombo as the watcher's parent ==== prison-qt5 ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Prison5 prison-qt5-imports - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Fix missing porting to qt6 build system here * Use preferedSize(1) as other autotest * Fix compile against qt6 ==== purpose ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Purpose5 libKF5PurposeWidgets5 purpose-lang - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * [imgur] Improve grammar of upload notification text * [imgur] Show deletion url in notification (kde#394181) * [imgur] Copy link to clipboard and show notification (kde#437347) * Don't build bluetooth plugin on non-Linux * Unbreak the Nextcloud plugin * Add Twitter URL plugin ==== python-PyNaCl ==== Version update (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0) - Update to 1.5.0 * Removed support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. * Changes of binary wheel distributions. * Update libsodium to 1.0.18-stable (July 25, 2021 release). * Add inline type hints. ==== python-attrs ==== Version update (21.2.0 -> 21.4.0) - update to 21.4.0: * Fixed the test suite on PyPy3.8 where ``cloudpickle`` does not work. * Fixed ``coverage report`` for projects that use ``attrs`` and don't set a ``--source``. * When using ``@define``, converters are now run by default when setting an attribute on an instance -- additionally to validators. * ``import attrs`` has finally landed! * ``attr.asdict(retain_collection_types=False)`` (default) dumps collection-esque keys as tuples. * ``__match_args__`` are now generated to support Python 3.10's * If the class-level *on_setattr* is set to ``attrs.setters.validate`` (default in ``@define`` and ``@mutable``) but no field defines a validator, pretend that it's not set. * The generated ``__repr__`` is significantly faster on Pythons with f-strings. * Attributes transformed via ``field_transformer`` are wrapped with ``AttrsClass`` again. * Generated source code is now cached more efficiently for identical classes. * Added ``attrs.converters.to_bool()``. * ``attrs.resolve_types()`` now resolves types of subclasses after the parents are resolved. * Added new validators: ``lt(val)`` (< val), ``le(va)`` (? val), ``ge(val)`` (? val), ``gt(val)`` (> val), and ``maxlen(n)``. * ``attrs`` classes are now fully compatible with cloudpickle * Added new context manager ``attrs.validators.disabled()`` and functions ``attrs.validators.(set|get)_disabled()``. They deprecate ``attrs.(set|get)_run_validators()``. All functions are interoperable and modify the same internal state. They are not ? and never were ? thread-safe, though. ==== python-charset-normalizer ==== Version update (2.0.9 -> 2.0.10) - update to 2.0.10: * Fallback match entries might lead to UnicodeDecodeError for large bytes sequence * Skipping the language-detection (CD) on ASCII ==== python-decorator ==== Version update (5.1.0 -> 5.1.1) - update to 5.1.1: * cythonized functions can now be decorated. * fixed an issue in the `decorator_apply` example and * regression fix for the "fix" in version 5.1 broke ` decorator.contextmanager` even more. Both issues are now solved. ==== python-jedi ==== - Force pytest >= 5 for successful 15.3 build in d:l:p ==== python-lxml ==== Version update (4.6.5 -> 4.7.1) - update to 4.7.1: * Chunked Unicode string parsing via ``parser.feed()`` now encodes the input data to the native UTF-8 encoding directly, instead of going through ``Py_UNICODE`` / ``wchar_t`` encoding first, which previously required duplicate recoding in most cases. * The standard namespace prefixes were mishandled during "C14N2" serialisation on Python 3. * ``lxml.objectify`` previously accepted non-XML numbers with underscores (like "1_000") as integers or float values in Python 3.6 and later. It now adheres to the number format of the XML spec again. * LP#1939031: Static wheels of lxml now contain the header files of zlib and libiconv (in addition to the already provided headers of libxml2/libxslt/libexslt). * Wheels include libxml2 2.9.12+ and libxslt 1.1.34 (also on Windows). ==== python-msgpack ==== Version update (1.0.2 -> 1.0.3) - update to 1.0.3: * add python 3.10 support * bugfixes ==== python-psutil ==== Version update (5.8.0 -> 5.9.0) - update to 5.9.0: * [Linux]: `cpu_freq()`_ is slow on systems with many CPUs. Read current frequency values for all CPUs from ``/proc/cpuinfo`` instead of opening many files in ``/sys`` fs. (patch by marxin) * `NoSuchProcess`_ message now specifies if the PID has been reused. * error classes (`NoSuchProcess`_, `AccessDenied`_, etc.) now have a better formatted and separated ``__repr__`` and ``__str__`` implementations. * [Linux]: `disk_partitions()`_: convert ``/dev/root`` device (an alias used on some Linux distros) to real root device path. * ``PSUTIL_DEBUG`` mode now prints file name and line number of the debug messages coming from C extension modules. * rewrite HISTORY.rst to use hyperlinks pointing to psutil API doc. * [Linux]: `wait_procs()`_ should catch ``subprocess.TimeoutExpired`` exception. * [Linux]: `sensors_battery()`_ can raise ``TypeError`` on PureOS. * [Linux]: psutil does not handle ``ENAMETOOLONG`` when accessing process file descriptors in procfs. (patch by Nikita Radchenko) * **[critical]**: ``memoize_when_activated`` decorator is not thread-safe. * **[critical]**: `process_iter()`_ is not thread safe and can raise ``TypeError`` if invoked from multiple threads. * [Linux]: `cpu_freq()`_ return order is wrong on systems with more than 9 CPUs. ==== python-reportlab ==== Version update (3.6.2 -> 3.6.5) - Update to 3.6.5 * only skip listwrap on for small height objects * changes to allow for deprecated stuff in Python-3.11 - Update to 3.6.4 * try to improve multi-frag paragraph justification * fix justification condition * allow validator OneOf to take re.Pattern - Update to 3.6.3 * modernisation of contribution from <Andrews Searle at BMC dot com> * many changes to .github workflows * changes to to support cibuildwheel * _FindSplitterMixin protect against deepcopy failure * allow textAnnotation to have QuadPoints keyword ==== python-ruamel.yaml ==== Version update (0.17.17 -> 0.17.20) - update to 0.17.20: - fix error in microseconds while rounding datetime fractions >= 9999995 - fix mypy problems - copy-paste error in folded scalar comment attachment - fix 411, indent error comment between key empty seq value ==== python-zipp ==== Version update (3.6.0 -> 3.7.0) - update to 3.7.0: * Require Python 3.7 or later. - add python-rpm-macros buildrequires ==== qqc2-desktop-style ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * TextFieldContextMenu: Fix menu not opening * Fix binding loop in Spinbox (kde#446354) * Add A SpinBox test ==== rubygem-yast-rake ==== Version update (0.2.43 -> 0.2.44) - Support multiple Rubocop versions (bsc#1139270) - 0.2.44 ==== rygel ==== Version update (0.40.2 -> 0.40.3) Subpackages: librygel-core-2_6-2 librygel-server-2_6-2 - Update to version 0.40.3: + Tracker3: - Fix deadlock on start-up. - Use the correct graph name for Videos. ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== skanlite ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * do not search for new devices unconditionally ==== solid ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5Solid5 solid-imports solid-tools - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * udisks backend: don't assume /etc/mtab is not present * Remove trailing \x00 from string returned by Q6File::decodeName() * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * devicenotifier.h: Fix typo ==== sonnet ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5SonnetCore5 libKF5SonnetUi5 sonnet-imports - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Don't access an out of bounds index into a QString * WIP: Change the build system to enable building with Qt 6 ==== spectacle ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Check for right/middle click in Platform*.cpp * Do not show error message when canceling with rightclick while in rectangluar mode (kde#446882) * Cancel drag and drop if there is no screenshot in the preview. * Disable buttons that shouldn't be available when no screenshot was taken (kde#446578) * Disable Annotate button when there's no image ==== step ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== sweeper ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== syndication ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * It compiles fine without deprecated methods ==== syntax-highlighting ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) Subpackages: libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5 - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * systemd unit: update to systemd v250 * separate dynamic StringDetect rule to avoid copies in StringDetect::doMath() * prefer to construct the rule directly in the vector rather than a move * automatically replace StringDetect to DetectChar, Detect2Chars or AnyChar when possible * use std::weak_ptr::owner_before instead of weak_ptr::expired() and weak_ptr::lock() for better performance * use non-deprecated function * Update test file for OrgMode * link and macro replacement marker * very basic support for [[link]] and [[link][desc]] * support implicit link in normal text * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 * SQL and SQL (PostgreSQL): nested comments support (kde#442449) * GnuPlot: fix a lot of issue (kde#442181) * PHP: add readonly, never and some functions/classes/constants of php-8.1 * Bash and Zsh: support of ${!2} (kde#440360) * Bash: more unixcommands (GNU coreutils and some others) (kde#439211) * Fix compilation error on Qt6 * Fix language specification comments * Rename MIME type text/x-objcpp-src => text/x-objc++src * Add Homuncuius.theme * remove rawhtml, not needed * Add grammar for RETRO Forth ==== system-config-printer ==== Subpackages: python3-cupshelpers system-config-printer-applet system-config-printer-common system-config-printer-dbus-service udev-configure-printer - Add python-rpm-macros BuildRequires in case some build environment does not pull it automatically. This is needed by macros like %{python3_sitelib}. ==== systemd ==== Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev-devel libudev1 systemd-container systemd-sysvinit udev - Added patches to fix CVE-2021-3997 (bsc#1194178) 5000-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf_children_inner-to-shorte.patch 5001-shared-rm_rf-refactor-rm_rf-to-shorten-code-a-bit.patch 5002-shared-rm-rf-loop-over-nested-directories-instead-of.patch These patches will be dropped and cherry-picked from upstream once upstream will commit them in their main branch. - Import commit a54f80116ccf105dff11aef5d18dd110ebd3e8ee 30cbebc56f tmpfiles: 'st' may have been used uninitialized 5443654ec0 macro: add new helper RET_NERRNO() 8d90ecc435 rm-rf: optionally fsync() after removing directory tree 591344010d rm-rf: refactor rm_rf_children(), split out body of directory iteration loop 8c7762c4f1 Bump the max number of inodes for /dev to a million (bsc#1192858) dc9476c881 journal: don't remove the flushed flag when journald is stopped 29efc29efd TEST-10: don't attempt to write a byte to the socket 773fb785b6 Bump the max number of inodes for /dev to 128k (bsc#1192858) ==== systemsettings5 ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code changes since 5.23.4 ==== threadweaver ==== Version update (5.89.0 -> 5.90.0) - Update to 5.90.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.89.0: * Use fetchAndStoreOrdered() instead of fetchAndAddOrdered() * Fix invalid lambda argument for use in std::for_each * Change the build system to enable building with Qt6 ==== umbrello ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.12.0 ==== wireplumber ==== Version update (0.4.5 -> 0.4.6) Subpackages: libwireplumber-0_4-0 wireplumber-audio - Reformat .changes file to limit lines to 67 chars when possible. - Update to version 0.4.6: * Fix a lot of race condition bugs that would cause strange crashes or many log messages being printed when streaming clients would connect and disconnect very fast. * Improve the logic for selecting a default target device. * Fix switching to headphones when the wired headphones are plugged in. * Fix an issue where "udevadm trigger" would break wireplumber. * Fix an issue where switching profiles of a device could kill client nodes. * Fix briefly switching output to a secondary device when switching device profiles (#85) * Fix "wpctl status" showing default device selections when dealing with module-loopback virtual sinks and sources. * WirePlumber now ignores hidden files from the config directory. * Fix an interoperability issue with jackdbus. * Fix an issue where pulseaudio tcp clients would not have permissions to connect to PipeWire. * Fix a crash in the journald logger with NULL debug messages. * Enable real-time priority for the bluetooth nodes to run in RT. * Make the default stream volume configurable. * Scripts are now also looked up in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireplumber/scripts * Update documentation on configuring WirePlumber and fixed some more documentation issues. * Add support for using strings as log level selectors in WIREPLUMBER_DEBUG. - Drop patches merged upstream: * 0001-m-reserve-device-replace-the-hash-table-key-on-new-insert.patch * 0002-policy-node-wait-for-nodes-when-we-become-unlinked.patch - Add patch from upstream to fix a pulse client hanging issue: * 0001-policy-node-schedule-rescan-without-timeout-if-defined-target-is-not-found.patch - Add patch from upstream to fix an issue with libpipewire-module-echo-cancel: * 0002-policy-node-find-best-linkable-if-default-one-cannot-be-linked.patch ==== wpa_supplicant ==== Subpackages: wpa_supplicant-gui - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: * wpa_supplicant.service ==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ==== Version update (5.23.4 -> 5.23.5) Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang - Update to 5.23.5 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 5.23.4: * Close screencast session when we stop streaming ==== yakuake ==== Version update (21.12.0 -> 21.12.1) - Update to 21.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.12.0: * Wayland: don't block on a response from plasmashell before toggling * Make sure position is always set in wayland (kde#408468) ==== yast2-installation ==== Version update (4.4.32 -> 4.4.33) - Updated yast2 dependency to ensure the new Y2Packager::Resolvable.none? method is used (bsc#1194387) - 4.4.33 ==== yast2-security ==== Version update (4.4.4 -> 4.4.6) - Fix security_auto client selinux requirement (bsc#1194449) - 4.4.6 - Do not use the 'lsm' kernel boot parameter by now as it could need other modules to be pecified like the integrity one (bsc#1194332). - 4.4.5 ==== yast2-trans ==== Version update (84.87.20220102.99430aa97b -> 84.87.20220109.a8187edd75) Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu - Update to version 84.87.20220109.a8187edd75: * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * Translated using Weblate (Arabic)